Israel-palestinean conflict

  • Zionism

    Theodore Herzel was the man that discover Zionism and he tried to find a clearly soultion to solve the problem of a book.

    It was the day of the world war 1 palestine was gonverned by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. And, a man named Arthur Balfour which was the britidh foreign minister saud a speech.
  • UN partition Plan

    UN partition Plan
    In that day people had to vote for only thirty three countries of the UN General Aseembly.
  • Etablishment of Israel

    Etablishment of Israel
    In that event, the state of Israel was declared five arab armies from other countries.
  • The Suez Campaign 1956

    The Suez Campaign 1956
    People started tohave a war against Egypt, because of the suez canal
  • Formation of the PLO

    Formation of the PLO
    The palestine people created an organization that is calledthe "Palestine Liberation Organization"
  • The six Day War

    The six Day War
    In this event Egypt block Iaraeli.
  • Terrorism

    The Arafat send an order of the palestine liberation organization to attacked Israel.
  • The Munich Olympics

    The Munich Olympics
    People from Israel killed the palestine people because their group is called " black ".
  • The Yom KIppur War

    The Yom KIppur War
    On the holiest day Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan attacked Israel .