Israel-Palestine Conflict

  • Der Judeenrat (The Jewish State) by Theodor Herzl

    It heralded the coming of age of Zionism.
  • First Zionist Congress

  • Period: to

    Second Aliyah (after failed 1905 Russian revolution)

    Mass wave of Jewish immigrants mainly from Russia to Ottoman Palestine
  • Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

    British promise that Arab territory of Ottoman Empire be returned to Arab sovereignty (except some areas in Lebanon and parts of Syria, but not Palestine, according to Arab interpretations)
  • British-French Sykes-Pict Agreement

    Secret Agreement that Palestine would be an international zone
    - Palestine under British and French
    - Syria under Arab state under French
  • Balfour Declaration

    The British expressed support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
  • British troops ender Palestine, set up provisional military government

  • Britain granted mandate over Palestine by League of Nations

    • Strategic aim: Access to the Suez Canal and oil fields in Iraq
    • Responsibility of managing political, administrative and economic economic conditions as well as safeguarding the civil and religious rights of al the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion
  • Period: to

    Arab Revolt

    first sustained violent uprising of Palestinian Arabs in more than a century.