Israel Palestine Conflict

By bpelayo
  • Balfour Declaration

    The British announce the support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
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    Jewish immagration

    Total amounts of Jews in Palestine increases from 170,000 to 400,000
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    The Holocaust

    During World War II Hitler took power over Germany where he wanted to get rid of the Jews. He came up with strict rules for the Jews like, using the Star of David for everyone knows they are Jews, taking to consantration camps, taking bikes from kids and their childhood.
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    Civil War Palestine

    They had a Partion Plan for Palestine. It only lasted a year long. They had a strike which lasted for three days.
  • al-Nabka

    60 years since Israel's founding.
  • Formation of the PLO

    liberation of the palestine. right of return and self determanation
  • The six day war

    Israel is attacked again by Arabs nations. War lasts for six days
  • Yom Kippur War

    Israel counter attacked and pushed back into Egypt and Syria.
    lasted Oct. 6-25 1973
  • Camp David Accords

    negotiation by Egypt and Israel to maintain peace between the two countries. Led to the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
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    1st Palestinian Intifada

    Palestinian uprising against Israeli encroachment into the West Bank.
  • Madrid Summit

    Peace conference between Israel and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) not much gets accomplished but it lays the groundwork for further talks.
  • Oslo Peace Accords

    Phase 1 of a peace agreement that would withdraw Israeli troops out of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Important issues included water rights, refugees, Jewish settlements & borders
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    2nd Palestine Intifada

    After the David Summit broke down Palestine began protesting Israel’s continued encroachment into the West Bank