Israel Palestine Conflict

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    Jewish Immigration

    Jewish population increases in Palestine, Jewish begin buying land, building schools and other institutions.
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    The Holocaust

    The murder of more than six million Jews by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party in Europe during World War II.
  • Adopting the Partition of Palestine

    The UN General Assembly voted in favor of a resolution which adopted the plan for the partition of Palestine.
  • Al-Nakba

    Al-Nakba is arabic for "the Catastrophe." Palestinians and Arabs had rejected a United Nations plan to partition the country between Jews and Palestinians. Arabs from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq joined Palestinians to battle against Jews.
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    Formation of the PLO

    PLO stands for Palestine Liberation Organization which is a terrorist organization. They wanted to achieve Palestinian liberation.
  • The Six Day War

    The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. he war w
  • Balfour Declaration

    A letter announcing the british support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.