Israel history

By BlaKe17
  • Period: 100,000 BCE to

    isreal history

  • 4004 BCE


    Day 1: God created heaven and earth and light. Day 2: God separated heaven from earth. Day 3: God created land and sea and vegetables. Day 4: God created sun, stars and moon. Day 5: flying and swimming animals. Day 6: God made man and woman. then they sin and get thrown out of the garden of Eden.
  • 2349 BCE

    The flood

    The flood
    The humans sinned too much so God sent a flood. But God spared Noah and his family and he got 2 of every animal. This is important because it shows that God can punish people.
  • 2166 BCE


    God told Abraham to go to a better non-corrupt land. When he got there God promised him that his descendants would multiply as the stars. This is important because Jesus is Abraham's descendant.
  • 1728 BCE


    His dad gave him a rainbow coat so his brothers became jealous and sold him into slavery. Then he got sent to jail and interpreted a dream and became vizier. then his family moves to Egypt. this explains why the josefites/Israelite's were in egypt.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the exodus

    Moses and the exodus
    Moses talked to God and he told Moses to free his people.
    Pharaoh said no so God sent 10 plagues and pharaoh let them go. But he changed his mind and got swallowed by the sea. this shows how important it is to trust God.
  • 1445 BCE

    10 commandments

    10 commandments
    At Mt. Sinai God gave the Israelite's 10 commandments. some of these commandments were: no idols, no stealing, and no murder. This is important because God gave us laws to obey him.
  • 1406 BCE

    settling Canaan

    settling Canaan
    God promised Canaan to Israel but they were unfaithful. God told the Israelite's to conquer but they mingled. This shows how unfaithful Israel was.
  • 1011 BCE


    David was a Shepard and he killed Goliath with a rock. Then he became a great king that was in Gods command. This is important because David followed Gods command.
  • 971 BCE

    Solomon and building the temple.

    Solomon and building the temple.
    Solomon was David's son and he finished David's dream, finishing the temple. He was not like David and he sinned a lot. This is important because it shows even the best people can turn into sin.
  • 931 BCE

    The division of the kingdom

    The division of the kingdom
    After Solomon dies the kingdom gets split into northern (Israel) and southern kingdoms (Judah). Rehoboam made them work, Jeroboam makes idols immediately. this shows Israels fails in worshiping God.
  • 722 BCE

    Assyrian conquest of Isreal

    Assyrian conquest of Isreal
    The Assyrian army besieged Samaria the capital for three years and took lots of Israelite's captive. Israel was destroyed after that. This is important because Israel is gone.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacherib Vs Hezekiah

    Sennacherib Vs Hezekiah
    Hezekiah was conquered and had to pay taxes. Then he stopped paying and got annihilated. This shows that Israel is not in control.
  • 605 BCE

    Daniel is the best

    Daniel is the best
    When Judah was captured Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego went to Babylon. The Shacks were faithful to God

    in the fire, so they survived. Daniel worshiped God even when he was in the lions den. He also interpreted the writing

    on the wall. We need to be like Daniel and worship God all the time, not just some of the time.
  • 586 BCE

    Babylonian conquest of Judah

    Babylonian conquest of Judah
    Babylon took Judah captive and took some upper class royalty to the palace. King Manasseh was responsible. Now Israel and Judah are captive.
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the not so great

    Cyrus the not so great
    Cyrus diverted the Euphrates by making a moat. He then went in through the dried up river and Daniel predicted it. This shows how important it is to trust God
  • 536 BCE


    Judah was destroyed and Jehoiachin was captured. King Neb destroyed Jerusalem and took thousands of people to Babylon as exiles. This is significant because they didn't trust God so they were punished.