
  • 63

    Pompey the Great

    Rome,led by the Pompey the Great,conquers the region.
  • 322

    Alexander the great

    Alexander the great conquers jerusalem
  • Dec 16, 634

    muslims take over

    Muslim armies take over.
  • Period: Dec 16, 1000 to Dec 17, 922

    King David and Solomon Build Temple

    king David and Solomon establish a Hebrew kingdom.Solomon builds first temple
  • Dec 16, 1500

    Turrkish rule

    The region comes under Ottoman Tukish rule
  • Balfour DeclarAtion.

    The Balfour Declaration gives British approval to the effect to create a nice Jewish homeland.
  • David Ben-Gurion

    David Ben-Gurion is the first prime minister.
  • Six day war.

    Israel attacks Egypt because of the threats.
  • Jewish holy day

    On October 6th at the Jewish holy day the were attacked by the Egytions.
  • they sign a peace treaety

    The two presidents of Egypt and Israel prime minister meet to talk about the U.S.Then they signed a peace treaty.