ISO 45001:2018 (Improvement process)

  • Supplier selection Process

  • Period: to

    Process time

  • Staff Meeting (Project kickoff)

    We will develope the commercial process
  • Period: to

    Process Time

  • Management System definitions

  • Period: to

    Process time

  • Implementation process

    Physical actions
    Infraestructure improvements
    Administrative process
  • Period: to

    Process Time

  • Internal Audit Process

    Internal auditors training
    Health & safety regulatory training
    Internal Audit exercise
  • Period: to

    Process time

  • Corrective Actions implementation

    Corrective Actions implementation
  • Period: to

    Process time

  • Certification Process

    External Audit
    Corrective Actions detected (minor findings)
    Certificate elaboration
  • Period: to

    Process time

  • ISO 45001:2018 (Certificate obtained)