After Won-a-pa-lei's people died
15 men survived after the attack and everybody was very sad . The council found a new cheif and women had to do more work. The new cheif left to find another land. After a year or so a new ship came to pick up hem up and go to the land the cheif found . So everyone packed what they needed so they could go on the boat. -
The ship came
People at the dolphin island saw a ship coming to their island the men don't trust the people on the ship so they ready their weapons the ship docks by coral cove the captain orlof made a deal that they will give them one third of their profit from hunting but the people on the island hunted on the other people's side and they got mad. -
Island of the blue dolphins
She felt very lonely so she gets a canoe and started making her way to the other island but the canoe was old so it has holes in it but the canoe was not going to last so she had to turn back for her own safety but some dolphins comfort her all the way back home. -
The Alpha Dog
She made a house out of a cave for when she is sick or hurt. She finally got the teeth from the sea-elephant. She put fire inside of the cave where the dogs were. She shot the leader in the chest. When she was about to finish him, but she felt bad and healed him. -
Noooo!!!! The Aluets
A day or two after that wonapolie and Rontu found a cave. They go into it and their are black figures every where. Wonapolie and Rontu can't leave cause the crack has narrowed cause of the tide. So a week later she sees the Aluets coming toward the island. So she packs her things and head to the cave. Then she steps outside the cave then an Aleut sees her. -
Rontu Dies
Won-a-pa-lei's birds grew up and had babies. She found Mon-a-nee and saw that Mon-a-nee had babies and wasn't a boy. She renamed her "Won-a-nee". She became friends with all the animals on the island and never killed an animal again. She counted how many moons went by. Rontu died and she found and kept Rontu's son.