
Islamic Empires

  • Period: Jan 1, 1289 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Outlines the major event of the Ottoman Emipre
  • Jan 1, 1352

    Ottomans Makefoothold in Europe

    Ottomans Makefoothold in Europe
    Ottomans at GallipoliSieze fortress of Gallipoli
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Ottoman Capture of Constantinople

    Ottoman Capture of Constantinople
  • Jan 1, 1501

    Ismail Becomes Shah of Persia

    Ismail Becomes Shah of Persia
    Ismail's Beginnings
    Ismail I proclaimed himself shah and found support in both Ottomans and Mongols.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to

    Safavid Empire

  • Period: Jan 1, 1503 to

    Mughal Empire

  • Jan 1, 1508

    Ismail Conqures Baghdad

    Ismail Conqures Baghdad
    BaghdadIsmail conqured Baghdad and defeated the Uzbecks.
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Ishmail's Rulings Lead to Religious Changes

    Ishmail's Rulings Lead to Religious Changes
    Safavid Religions
    The Safavid Empire was primarily Isamic, however, there was some suprising freedom.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Babur Has control of India: Religions Change

    Babur Has control of India: Religions Change
    Mughal ReligionsThe Mughals were Muslims who ruled a country with a large Hindu majority. However for much of their empire they allowed Hindus to reach senior government or military positions.
  • Mar 17, 1527

    Babur defeated the last of the Delhi Sultans, Ibrahim Shah Lodi, at the First Battle of Panipat

    Babur defeated the last of the Delhi Sultans, Ibrahim Shah Lodi, at the First Battle of Panipat
    Battle of Khanwa
    This battle was responsible for putting Babur into power.
  • Jan 1, 1529

    Ottomans Surge Vienna

    Ottomans Surge Vienna
    Siege of Vienna. IT SINGS!!!!Suleiman and his entourage leave Istanbul on May 10, 1529 and head west northwest through the Gate of Adrianope to Edirne. (Linked article by M. Tayyib Gökbilgin.) They proceed up the low-lying river valley toward Sofia.
  • Jan 1, 1531

    Tahmasp, Ismail's son takes great intrest in art; spurring many Safavis arts

    Tahmasp, Ismail's son takes great intrest in art; spurring many Safavis arts
  • Jun 26, 1539

    Suri Dynasty Defeats Mughal Dynasty

    Suri Dynasty Defeats Mughal Dynasty
    Sur DynastyThis battle along with another one caused the Mughals to succumb to the Suri and would eventually aid to their decline.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Ottoman-Safavid War Ends

    Ottoman-Safavid War Ends
    Ottoman-Safavid WarThe Ottomans and Safavids had been fighting since 1532, they were now entering a time of peace.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Humayun Dies, Architechural Masterpiece is Erected in his Honor

    Humayun Dies, Architechural Masterpiece is Erected in his Honor
    Mughal ArchitechureMany other Mughals that passed had very architechurally interesting monuments built for them. Architechure was very important to the Mughals.
  • Feb 1, 1556

    Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar is Placed on the Mughal Throne

    Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar is Placed on the Mughal Throne
    Akbar the GreatAkbar was fourteen years old when he ascended the Mughal throne in Delhi (February 1556), following the death of his father Humayun. During his reign, he eliminated military threats from the powerful Pashtun descendants of Sher Shah Suri, and at the Second Battle of Panipat he defeated the newly self-declared Hindu king Hemu. It took him nearly two more decades to consolidate his power and bring all the parts of northern and central India into his direct realm.
  • Jan 1, 1574

    Ottomans Conquer Tunisia

    Ottomans Conquer Tunisia
    Ottomans and TunisiaControl of the Islamic empire was lost by the Arabic Abbasid Caliphate when the Il-Khan Mongols killed the last caliph in 1258. Initially, while the Mongols ruled Mesopotamia and eastern Anatolia, the Ottomans focused on conquering and securing western Anatolia and Greece. From 1453 the Ottomans made their capital at former Byzantine Constantinople. A puppet Abbasid caliphate was set up by the Mamelukes in Egypt, so when they were conquered by the Ottomans in 1517,
  • Reign of Shah Abbas I Begins

    Reign of Shah Abbas I Begins
    Abbas IAbbas established the Safavids as a true state and expanded territory.
  • Tobacco is Introduced to the Mughals

    Tobacco is Introduced to the Mughals
    Mughal EconomyThe textile industry was booming and hence there was tremendous demand for cotton and silk which were important cash crops. Tobacco, introduced sometime in 1604 also became an important cash crop. One negative aspect of the Mughal administration was that they did not make any major efforts in agricultural development.
  • Jahangir is Successor to the Mughal Throne after Akbar

    Jahangir is Successor to the Mughal Throne after Akbar
    Jahangir is most famous for his golden "chain of justice." The chain was setup as a link between his people and Jahangir himself. Standing outside the castle of Agra with sixty bells, anyone was capable of pulling the chain and having a personal hearing from Jahangir himself.
  • Safavid and Ottoman Truce

    Safavid and Ottoman Truce
    Safavid Empire
    On 17 may 1639, peace treaty with the Ottomans, which established the Ottoman-Safavid frontier and put an end to more than a hundred years of sporadic conflict. The treaty forced Shah Safi I to accept the final loss of Baghdad in Mesopotamia, recaptured by the Ottomans in 1638, and instead gave Yerevan in the southern Caucasus to Iran.
  • Maratha Empire Attacks and Defeats the Mughals

    Maratha Empire Attacks and Defeats the Mughals
    Marathas Empire
    The Maratha empire occupied the Deccan plateau in India. The Hindu Marathas had long lived in the Desh region around Satara, in the western portion of the Deccan plateau, where the plateau meets the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats mountains. They had resisted incursions into the region by the Muslim Moghul rulers of northern India.
  • Offical Collpase of the Safavid Empire

    Offical Collpase of the Safavid Empire
    Collapse of the SafavidAlthough the fall of the Safavids was long, this is the offical end date.
  • First Ottoman Newspaper Published

    First Ottoman Newspaper Published
  • Ottoman Inauguration of the Academy of Sciences

    Ottoman Inauguration of the Academy of Sciences
  • Crimean War Begins

    Crimean War Begins
    Crimean War
    Crimean War, (October 1853–February 1856), war fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula between the Russians and the British, French, and Ottoman Turkish, with support, from January 1855, by the army of Sardinia-Piedmont. The war arose from the conflict of great powers in the Middle East and was more directly caused by Russian demands to exercise protection over the Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman sultan.
  • Tevfik Fikret, the Founder of Turkish Poetry is Born

    Tevfik Fikret, the Founder of Turkish Poetry is Born
    FikretThe Turkish poet Tevfik Fikret, whose real name was Mehmet Tevfik, was born in Istanbul on December 24, 1867. He also wrote under various aliases such as Nazmi Tevfik, Esat Necip, and Tevfik Nazmi. He was the son of a middle class family, and an honor roll student. Fikret started his professional life as a French language teacher at the Lycée de Galatasaray, which was his alma mater.