Period: to
Prior to 1860
Indonesian muslims from the Southwest corner of Sulawesi visited the coast of Norther Australia
few muslims were recorded in 1802-1822. Larger numbers settled in 1860 -
June 1860 8 Muslim’s and Hindus came to Australia with camels for Burke and Wills expedition
Afghan Muslim camel drivers settled in Australia mid to late 19th century -
Period: to
19th Century
First mosque built in Australia at Maree, South Australia
31 men from Rajasthan and Baluchistan arrived in South Australia with camels for Thomas Elder
The earliest record of an Islamic festival in Australia, 70 Muslim’s assembled for Eid prayers at Albert Park, Melbourne
An 1884 newspaper report in the Auckland Star records, “During the whole service the worshippers wore a remarkably reverential aspect." -
The great mosque of Adelaide was built
In the early 20th century the ‘White Australia Policy’ restricted immigration to people of non white european descent. Most Muslim’s who weren’t white were denied entrance
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20th Century
Albanian muslims who’s European heritage made them compatible with the White Australia Policy, immigrated into Australia
Albanian muslims built the first mosque in Shepparton, Victoria
Albanian muslims built the first mosque in Melbourne
The first Queensland mosque was built in Mareeba
10,000 Turkish citizens settled in Australia under a agreement with Turkey
The White Australia policy dismantled
Large numbers of Lebanese Muslims migrated, to this day they are the largest Muslim group in Australia
Period: to
21st Century
470,000 Australians (2.2% of population) reported Islam as their religion
To this day, 604,200 (2.6% of Australian population) identify as Muslim