
Ishmael Best Revolutionary War Timeline

  • French Secretly Help Colonist

    Still bitter from their defeat by the british in the french and indian war, the french had secretly sent weapons to the patriots.
  • British Retreat From Boston

    The british retreated from Boston moving the theater of war to the middle states.
  • Large British Force Sails into NY

    Gen William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe joined forces on Staten Island and sailed in NY harbor with the largest british expeditionary force ever assembled.
  • American Army retreat from NY

    Michael Graham, a continental army vo;lunteer, described the chaotic withdrawal of American retreat following heavy losses in NY.
  • Continental Army pushed into Pennsylvania

    The british pushed Washington's army across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania.
  • Washington Leads Men Across Delaware River

    Washington Leads Men Across Delaware River
    Washington led 2400 men in small rowboats across the ice choked Delaware River.
  • Colonists Terms of Enlistment Due

    The terms of enlistment of the men under Washingtons command were due on this date.
  • American Win at Princeton

    The americans were rallied by another astonishing victory against 1.2k british stationed at Princeton.
  • Gen Howe Begins Campaign

    Gen Howe began his campaign to seize the american capital at Philidelphia.
  • American Win at Saratoga

    American Win at Saratoga
    American troops finally surrounded British Gen John Burgoyne at Saratoga, where he surrendered his battered army to Gen Gates.
  • Valley Forge Camp

    Albigense Waldo worked as a surgeon at Valley Forge outside Philadelphia, which served as the Continental Armies camp.
  • French Form Alliance with America

    The french recognize American independence and signed an alliance , or treaty of cooperation, with the Americans.
  • Valley Forge Changes Troops

    In the midst of the frozen winter at Valley Forge, the american troops began an amazing transformation.
  • British Change Strategy

    After their devastating defeat at Saratoga, the british changed their military strategy by shifting their operations to the south.
  • British Take Savannah

    A british expedition easily took Savannah, Georgia
  • Lafayette Joins Washington

    The young Marquis de Lafayette joined Washingtons staff and bore the misery of Valley Forge, lobbied for french reinforcements in france and led a command in Virginia in the last year of the war.
  • Royalty Governs Georgia

    A royal governor once again commanded Georgia.
  • French Land in Rhode Island

    A french army of 6k had landed in Newport, Rhode Island, after the british left the city to focus on the south.
  • Clinton Sails South

    Gen Henry Clinton, who had replaced Howe in NY, along with the ambitious Gen Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8,500 men.
  • British Capture Charles Town

    In their greatest victory of the war, the British captured Charles Town, South Carolina and marched 5.5k american soldiers off as prisoners of war.
  • British Capture South Carolina

    Cornwallis's army smashed American forces at Camden, South Carolina, and within 3 months the british had established forts across the state.
  • Congress Appoint Superintendent of Finance

    The congress appointed a rich Philidelphia merchant named Robert Morris as superintendent of finance.
  • Americans Get Brtish to Flee From Compens

    British expected the outnumbered americans to flee but the Continental Army fought back and forced the redcoats to surrender.
  • Cornwallis Attacks Greene at Guilford

    Angered by the defeat at Cowpens, Cornwallis attacked Greene at Guilford Court House, North Carolina.
  • Greene Asks For Help

    Greene wrote a letter to Lafayette, asking for help.
  • Troops Get Paid

    Due to efforts by Robert Morris, the troops were finnally paid in specie, or gold coins.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    With his troops outnumbered by more than 2 to 1 and exhausted from constant shelling, Cornwallis finally raised the white flag of surrender.
  • British Surrender

    British Surrender
    A triumphant Washington, the french generals, and their troops assembled to accept the British surrender.
  • British Formally Surrender

    Colonel William Fortaine of the Virginia Militia stood with American and French armies lining a road near Yorktown to witness the formal British surrender.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The delegates signed the Treaty of Paris, which confirmed U.S. independence and set the boundaries of the new nation.