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Isabella's Life

  • Isabella June Born

    Isabella June Born
    On April 10, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Isabella June was born at Fair Oaks Hospital. She weighed 7.3 lbs and 20 inches.
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    Isabella June's Life

    This is a view of Isabella June's life.
  • Uncle Jacob holds Isabella

    Uncle Jacob holds Isabella
    Uncle Jacob gets to hold Isabella when she is still a fresh newborn!
  • Checking out the camera

    Checking out the camera
    Isabella makes faces into the camera!
  • Isabella's first Myrtle Beach trip.

    Isabella's first Myrtle Beach trip.
    Isabella is being held by her great grandparents. The back row is Isabella's grandma and her father.
  • Napping with Grandma.

    Napping with Grandma.
    Isabella cannot help but fall asleep in Grandma's arms.
  • Taking a nap at Grandma's house.

    Taking a nap at Grandma's house.
    Isabella was exhausted after a long morning at Grandma's house.
  • Her fashion cap!

    Her fashion cap!
    She wanted to trt on the hats and the bunny hat fit her best. She is with her grandma. The family thought it was cute.
  • Isabella gets to the Myrtle Beach Aquarium

    Isabella gets to the Myrtle Beach Aquarium
    Isabella went to the Myrtle Beach Aquarium with her mother, father, and uncle Jacob.
  • A nice yogurt mustache

    A nice yogurt mustache
    She was drinking a yogurt and ended up giving herself a yougurt mustache.
  • Snapchatting

    Her and uncle Jacob Snapchatting!