Isabella's Life

  • Isabella's birth

    Isabella's birth
    Isabella was born in Medellin on September 19th.
    When she was 1 year old, they used to call her “chinita”, they sang to her “En el bosque de la china, la chinita se perdió”. They called her like that especially because she had slanted eyes and in general facial features like a Chinese person.
  • Neighbourhood

    The neighborhood she grew up in is called Acevedo, located in the north of Medellín. The people were very united and happy.
  • Her parents and siblings

    Her parents and siblings
    As she grew up she realized her mother was the most strict because she used to hit her with her belt if she behaved inappropriately.
    She has 2 siblings, 1 brother, who was born in 1996, and 1 sister, she was born in 2018
  • Pets

    When she was a child she had two fishes, Ramon and Ramona and she also had a dog, Teo.
  • Allowance

    She had an allowance, about ten thousand and she spent it right away. She bought a lot of snacks and sweets to eat.
  • School

    She went to a normal public school, she was a good student. Her favorite subject was sports (physical education) and the least favorite was biology.
  • Her calling

    Her calling
    When she was a kid she wanted to be many things such as a professional dancer, a princess, actress, a singer, a nurse, and a teacher.
  • Dance

    Isabella started dancing as soon as she started walking. When she was 7 her grandma decided to enroll her in an “Alcaldía de Medellín” project for dancers. She was really excited because she has always loved dancing.
  • Holidays

    Her aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends gathered as a family to celebrate holidays dancing, eating, and getting drunk.
  • Childhood

    She liked playing with dolls, she loved dancing anything, she also used to play with sand, she ‘’cooked’’ with it, she made sandcastles. And when she went out to be with friends her mom usually allowed her to stay out until 9 o’clock.
  • Adolescence

    There are no big changes in the phrases that were popular then and now because not much time has passed, so she’s still young. For instance, the most used words were “marica”,“parce”, “wey”, “rata”, “Sarna” and “gonorrea”, but everyone still uses most of them. And about clothing, her parents never complained about her way to dress.
  • Job

    Her first job was as a seller of products and services, she didn't like it when people were rude and impolite but she liked the salary.
  • Travel

    She traveled to Santa Marta on her 15th birthday with her father
  • Graduation

    Her graduation was bewitching because she was with her friends, family, and teachers, so she was very happy and delighted.