May 18, 1474
May 18, 1474 in Ferrara, Italy -
At age six Isabella d'Este's father engaged her to Francesco Gonzaga -
From around age 20 through the rest of Isabella's life, she was a patron supporting many artists. When she was 60 years old, artist, Titan did a portrait of her. Isabella was unhappy with the way his first portrait of her looked so he did another one. She was very happy with his second portrait of her, which is said to have made her look all of 20 years younger than she really was. -
Founded a School
Around 1507 Isabella d'Este founded a school for young girls. There they could learn languages such as Latin and Greek. They could also learn about philosophy, literature, and the arts. -
Francesco Captured
In 1509 Francesco, Isabella d'Este's husband was captured by the city of Venice and was held captive for many years. While he was gone, Isabella was left to lead Mantua on her own. -
Mar 29, 1519
The king dies
The king of Mantua, Francesco Gonzaga, came back from being held captive in Venice. Although, he came back very sickly and died on March 29, 1519. Now Isabella was left completely in charge of Mantua. -
Feb 13, 1539
Isabella d'Este passes away
On February 13, 1519 Isabella d'Este passes away in Mantua, Italy.