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Isabell's Life

  • Birth

    I was born at 3:33 am in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Benny and Karen Chandler!!
  • Moving to California

    Moving to California
    All though I was only 2 years old when we moved here, I would not be the same person I am today if I grew up in Alabama!
  • The Pentagon

    The Pentagon
    My family and I had the privilage of watching the fireworks from the Pentagon lawn.
  • Meeting my best friend

    Meeting my best friend
    I met my best friend, Sage Prophet, when I was in kindergarden at Rancho Cordova Elemetary School! She was my first friend and still is my best friend!
  • Arkansas and Kansas

    Arkansas and Kansas
    I flew to Kansas to visit my closest cousin! We had the time of our lives when we arrived!! Then, we drove to Arkanas to meet the rest of my cousins. It was kind of cramped but we had fun anyway!
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium

    Monterey Bay Aquarium
    My grandparents took my sister and I on a special trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium! We had fun looking and touching the animals while spending time with our grandparents.
  • SF Giants

    SF Giants
    My most memorable SF Giants game with my closest family members.
  • Going to the Michael Jordon Flight School

    Going to the Michael Jordon Flight School
    My uncle Sidney works for and with Michael Jordon at the Michael Jordan Flight School in Santa Barbara! It took us 6 hours to arrive at the school! We were so happy to finally get out of the car and see my uncle for the first time in 10 years!!
  • My blue violin

    My blue violin
    I got my very first violin on Christmas morning. It was my favorite color, blue, and it was VERY shiny!
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Starting middle school is significant because it's a huge change from going to "little kid" to "big kid". Life gets a lot more serious with education and personal responsiblity.
  • My First Car

    My First Car
    The idea of having my very own car is so exciting i can hardly contain myself.
  • Graduating high school

    Graduating high school
    Graduating highschool is sginifcant because it marks the end of being a "kid." It's a huge accomplishment to succsesfully graduate highschool! I have my whole life s ahead of me.
  • Graduating College

    Graduating College
    It is very important to me that I graduate college to try to ensure a life filled with many succeses and oppertunities.
  • Start My Career

    Start My Career
    Being able to use my college degree towards starting my career would be ideal and will help having a postive future.
  • Goodbye USA

    Goodbye USA
    It would be an amazing experience and oppertunity to be able to live abroad for my career. I would gain a more open mind to the world while doing what I love!