Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham
After being barren her whole life, Sarah and Abraham finally concieved a child. Sarah was 99 when Isaac was born, and Abraham was over 100. When he was born, they named him Isaac, which means 'laughter', because Sarah laughed when she heard she would concieve. -
Abraham almost sacrifices Isaac
God wanted to test Abraham's faith, so he told him to sacrifice Isaac. Abe had a hard time with it, but obeyed God. He took Isaac to a mountain and prepared him for sacrifice, and as he was about to kill Isaac, God stopped him, as Abraham had proved his great faith. -
Isaac and Rebekah get married
It soon became time for Isaac to take a wife, so Abraham sent his servant to a town with Abraham's family. He gave him specific instructions to find a woman that would help him, and Rebekah was the one. She returned to Abraham with the servant, and Isaac and Rebekah got married. -
Jacob and Esau are born
When Isaac was 40 years old, Isaac prayed for him and Rebekah to have a child. Rebekah was barren, but Isaac prayed and God allowed her to concieve. She gave birth to twins named Jacob and Esau. Jacob worked near home, while Esau was a hunter. -
Esau sells his birthright to Jacob
Esau was working in the field and was very hungry. Jacob was making stew, and Esau wanted some. But Jacob made him give his birthright to trade for the stew, so Esau agreed. -
Isaac accidentally blesses Jacob
Isaac was very old, and soon it was time to give away his blessing to Esau, as he planned. Jacob and Rebekah becamse jealous, though. Jacob dressed up as Esau and took his birith right, As soon as Isaac realized it, it was too late to take back, so Esau became very angry. -
Jacob flees to Laban
Rebekah tells Jacob that Esau plans to kill him for revenge, and tells Jacob to flee as fast as he can. She tells him to go see her brother Laban, who lives in Haran, until Esau forgets what Jacob did. Isaac instructs Jacob to take a Canaanite wife, not a Hittite one, so she is a God-fearing woman, and they will multiply greatly. -
Jacob has a dream
Jacob heads to Haran, and takes a rest to go to sleep. It was of a ladder that reached to heaven. God spoke, and told him that the land he laid on would be his for him and his offspring, and that he will have as many offspring as the dust of the earth. -
Jacob marries Leah and Rachel
Jacob travelled to Haran, and stopped at a well where some shepherds were watering their sheep. He talked to them, and they told him Laban's daughter, Rachel was coming, and Jacob fell in love with her. He stayed with them seven years because of his love for her, and after that time, he wanted to marry her. When they tried to get married, Laban sent in Leah to marry, and Jacob in the morning realized it and became angry, so Laban also gave him Rachel. -
Jacob's children with Leah
God allowed Leah to bear children to have children, while Rachel was barren. Leah bore four children, and then stopped bearing children. Their names were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. -
Jacob's children with Rachel
When Rachel saw she gave no children for Jacob, she became angry, so she had Jacob concieve with her servant Bilhah. She bore two children, Dan and Naphtali. Then Leah had her servant Zilpah concieve with Jacob more children, Gad and Asher. Rachel and Leah had an argument, and soon Leah and Jacob had other children, Issachar, Zeblun, and Dinah. Soon after Rachel concieved their last child, Joseph. -
The rest of Jacob's life
Jacob soon had to flee Laban, and he eventually met up again with Esau. They together buried Isaac and Rachel, as they both had died. Jacob wrestled with God, and got back to his faith. His son Joseph soon became a ruler in Egypt, and soon after he died.