Same Place Same time
This is the day lightning struck the Fury 325 at Carowinds during a bad summer storm. I was at the park with my friend. I didn't know it then, but Isaac was working in the park the same day and checked the men's bathroom for people while I was standing in the women's for shelter. -
The first time we met
This was the Family weekend Tailgate at Western Carolina University. I was hanging out with my friend and her roommates, who were both frat brothers. Isaac and her start talking because they are in the same department. Then he walks over to me, strikes up a conversation, and asks for my Snapchat, and the rest is history! -
Our first Date
This was the night of our first date. I was sad, and he wanted to make me feel better, so he picked me up. He waited outside his car for me and opened the door, which was so sweet. Then we drove to lake Glenville and talked for hours. I was nervous, but I wanted to kiss him. But we didn't, we held hands and talked and looked at the moon and stars glisten over the lake. -
Our first kiss
It was Halloween night, and I was very motivated that whole weekend to kiss him cause it felt right. My friends and I dressed up and went to his frat's party and had a good time. and Isaac, I spent most of the night talking to each other and dancing. It was a great time. After a while and my friends' ride showed up and we had to go. But before I left I grabbed Isaac gently by his shirt and gave him a kiss that felt like it lasted a lifetime. -
It’s Official
Isaac invited me out to a private kickback party, and I was excited to go and spend time with him. After a while we snuck away out back to talk and get away from people as well as steal a kiss or two. Then he asked me if I would be his girlfriend and I said yes!