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Is it grimm up north? Newcastel History

  • Fun facts - The first export in newcastle

    Coal was being exported from Newcastle by 1250
  • Fun fact - Taking coals to Newcastle

    The phrase "taking coals to Newcastle" was first recorded in 1538; it proverbially denotes bringing a particular commodity to a place that has more than enough of it already.
    During the Middle Ages in England, coal was commonly thought to be a curse. People thought it filled the air with dangerous poisons. In 1306, King Edward I of England issued a proclamation that declared the use of coal punishable by death.
  • Period: to

    Timeline og Newcastle cultural history

  • Fun Facts - The usages of coal

    There is historical evidence that coal was first used 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, in the Bronze Age. At that time, the people of southeastern Wales used coal for funeral pyres to burn their dead. It was used in smiths.
  • The Strike

    The britsh miners wanted a raise, but the government did not agree and the strike began causing a shut-down of powerstation and electricity supply to homes, offices and schools.
  • The middel east oil cricis

    The price of oil rose dramatically because of a political crises in the middle east.
    It created a prolonged production time of british goods and caused a lot of British unemployment.
  • Margereth Thatcher

    She wanted to effictivise the mines and make them able to compete against imported goods.
    Often called the Iron Lady. She was either respected or hated but most people agree that she was a tough leader
  • Period: to

    The coal mines

    In 1984 170 mines were open in Brittain.
    1985 - 145 mines open.
    1992 - 73 mines open.
    2004 - 12 mines open.
  • NUM vs The Coal Board

    Negotiation between the NUM (National Union og Mineworkers) and the National Coal Board breakdown causing a national wide coal strike.
  • Riots

    Several clashes between the police and the miners/strikers one of the moste renound was the battle of Orgreave.
  • Finacial hardship

    the striking miners begins to feel the full effect of their strike and as a consequence their families suffered.
  • The strike fails

    the NUM called off the strike when they voted 98 to 92 to call of the strike.
    It look like a victory but it was not many regarded the strike to have ended in failure.

    Baltic flour mill opened into a major center for contemporary art.
  • From industrial to tourism

    There were 2 million tourists visiting Newcastle.
  • Now in Newcastle

    The city is mostly reliant on office and retail businesses for its economy, and has become something of a cultural hub