Books   history

Is education a process or is it based on the government’s needs for a successful and productive economic climate?

  • Period: to


  • Education ACT 1944 (Butler Act)

    Education ACT 1944 (Butler Act)
    Free Secondary Education For all. Introduction of the tripartite system, dividing students into three different types of schools.
  • The Robbins Report 1963

    Reccomended the expansion of Higher Education for all that can benefit from it.

    Raising of the school leaving age to 16. A way to disguise increasing numbers of youth unemployment.
  • YTS

    The majority of students go on to do Youth Training Schemes,
  • Leitch Review

    The Leitch review states that basic education is somewhat lacking in todays economic climate, reccomendations for this to be improved. Also identified the need for a demand-led skills sytem to benefit employers.
  • 14 - 19 White Paper

    14 - 19 White Paper
    Changes to accademic assessments encouraging excelleration, and the introduction of specialist diplomas.
  • Human Capital

    Bartlett and Burton (2007) discuss Human Capital which suggests all behaviour is shaped by economic self interest.
  • Wolf Report

    Stresses the importance of being clear to students so they can make well informed decisions based on their own education rather than institutions efforts to raise league tables. States some vocational courses claiming to be equivalent courses are not actually equivalent courses