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Irish Immigration

By Daye.H.
  • Millions Come to America

    Millions Come to America
    Between 1824-1924 millions of Europeans came to America.
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    The Irish's potatos grew rotten so, they began to Immigrate; some coming to America.
  • Potato Fungus

    Potato Fungus
    Between the year of 1846 and 1950 a fungus grew in Ireland which distroyed all of Ireland's potato crops.
  • leaving Ireland

    leaving Ireland
    Annie left Ireland to go to America with her little brothers Anothony- 11 and Philip- 7.
  • Annie Moore Comes to America

    Annie Moore Comes to America
    Annie's ship reached New York.
  • Annie Moore gets married

    Annie Moore gets married
    Annie Moore marries the son of a german-born baker at St. James Church.
  • Death of Annie Moore

    Death of Annie Moore
    Annie Moore died of heart failure at the age of 47 and was buried with 6 of her other children who had died years before.