
Iraq War

  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act
    The Patriot Act was passed by congress in October 2001, and gave the governement and law enforcements strong power of finding suspicious or suspected terrorist .In the time the Patriot Act was being passed people were complaning that they were losing their privacy. The american muslims felt they were accused of being a terroist and didn't feel comfortable.
  • President Bush called the nations of North Korea,Iran, and Iraq the "axis of evil"

    President Bush called the nations of North Korea,Iran, and Iraq the "axis of evil"
    January 29, 2002 President George Bush gave a speech and was talking about the struggle between terrorism and democracy. Bush had called the three countries, "axis of evil" and had a harsh criticism saved for Iraq."This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world". People were saying bush was preparing the United States for war.
  • U.S. officals were getting frustrated

    U.S. officals were getting frustrated
    On October 16, 2002 congress had authorized the president to use force against Iraq if Saddam refused to comply with the weapons inspectors.
  • UN inspection team returned to Iraq

    UN inspection team returned to Iraq
    A month later after congress authorized the president to use force against iraq, the UN inspection team returned to Iraq for the first time in four years.
  • UN inspection team announced they found no nuclear weapons

    UN inspection team announced they found no nuclear weapons
    In January 2003 the UN team announce that they found no type of nuclear weapons. But there was dangerous weapons found and Saddam Hussein was not fully cooperating.
  • Secretary of State Colin Powell asked the UN for support

    Secretary of State Colin Powell asked the UN for support
    Secretary of State Colin Powell had asked the UN for support in an invasion on Iraq, Colin Powell showed all the intelligence that the U.S. has on the dangerous weapons in Iraq. The CIA believed that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and is creating Nuclear wepons
  • Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to leave Iraq

    Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to leave Iraq
    President Bush was giving Saddam 48 hours to leave Iraq with his two sons. Saddam Hussein refused to leave and exactly two days later President Bush ordered to invade Iraq.
  • First attack of Operation Iraqi Freedom

    First attack of Operation Iraqi Freedom
    There was two air strikes that tried to hit Saddam and his government members in baghdad but didn't harm Saddam.
  • The statue of Saddam Hussein replaced with an american flag

    The statue of Saddam Hussein replaced with an american flag
    The American tanks entered Baghdad, after a couple of days fighting the U.S. troops took down Saddams statue and replaced it with and american flag. Saddam's dictator ship was over but he was still on for the run.
  • Attack on the UN

    Attack on the UN
    There was an bomb explosion in the UN headquarters in Baghdad and atleast 17 dead and 100 wounded.
  • Saddam Hussein CAPTURED.

    Saddam Hussein CAPTURED.
    U.S. troops find Saddam Hussien and capture him. He was hiding in a hole near his hometown of Tikrit and surrendered without a fight. Americans thought that the capture of Saddam would stop the iraqis to coalition forces. Instead it was the most bloodiest months of war.
  • Saddam Hussein Dead!

    Saddam Hussein Dead!
    Saddam Hussein was found guilty in his court trials. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
  • U.S. President Obama visits Fort Bragg

    U.S. President Obama visits Fort Bragg
    Decemebr 21st is when president obama visits Fort Bragg to bring the last american troops in Iraq and offically ending 9 years of war with Iraq.