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    sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council

    The sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on Ba'athist Iraq. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, stayed largely in force until May 2003
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    Congress agrees on U.S. involvement in Iraq

    October 2002 -- Congress agrees on U.S. involvement in Iraq and President George W. Bush signs authorization of military force on Oct. 16, 2002.
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    U.S. launches an attack on Iraq

    March 19, 2003 -- The U.S. launches an attack against Iraq after a deadline for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein expires.
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    Bush speaking on the USS Abraham Lincoln

    May 1, 2003 -- President Bush, speaking on the USS Abraham Lincoln, says major combat operations in Iraq will be ended. USS- united states ship
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    Prisoner abuse

    April 2004 -- Images emerge of prisoner abuse by American military personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison.
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    Bush Announces deployment of 30,000 US Troops

    January 10, 2007 -- President Bush announces the deployment of 30,000 additional troops to Iraq.

    October 2011 -- President Barack Obama signs armistice. He says troops will be withdrawn by the end of the year. ARMISTICE- A CONTRACT OF AGREEMENT TO STOP WAR
  • US- Iran Plan attack on Iraq

    Both the Unites States and Iran have an interest in abstain the increasing threat posed by the militants and both are considering military support to Iraq's Shia-led government. abstain- to keep from doing something