
By cam1996
  • Sikes-Picot Agreement

    representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an agrement by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and French spheres of influence with the conclusion of World War I.
  • Ottoman Empire Collapses

    After the occupation of Constantinople by British and French troops in November 1918, the Ottoman government collapsed completely and signed the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920.
  • King Feisel Takes Power

    While in power, Faisal tried to diversify his administration by including different ethnic and religious groups in offices. In addition, Faisal’s attempt at pan-Arab nationalism may have contributed to the isolation of certain religious groups.
  • Ba’athist Party Take Control

    is a regional branch of the Arab Ba'athist political party founded in 1951 by Fuad al-Rikabi. It was part of the original Ba'ath Party (1951–1966), changing its allegiance to the Iraqi-dominated Ba'ath movement following the 1966 split within the Ba'ath Party.
  • Iraq's Monarchy Collapses

    the revolutionary forces were commanded by army colonel Abd El-Kareem Qasim who took charge and also allowed the Iraqi communist party to infiltrated the goverment offices