Iranian Revolution ELA Project

  • Period: to

    Iranian Revolution ELA Project

    With Darius the Great Is Not Okay and Persipolis
  • The Qajar Dynasty ends

    After Tehran, the capital of Persia was taken over by the Iranian General Reza Pahlavi, Ahmad Shah ended the Qajar Dynasty and Reza Pahvali is now crowned Shah.
  • Another new king

    40 years earlier, Britain secured oil rights in Iran but, during World War ll, Britain became nervous that Germany would manage to overtake their foothold. They requested that all German citizens of Iran leave but Iran refuses to oblige. In response, Britain and Russia take over the north and west of Iran and the country quickly surrendered. Reza Shah leaves the country and his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi becomes Shah. After WWll ends, both the British and the Russians leave Iran.
  • The White Revolution

    Infrastructure, education, and industry were improved and women were given the right to vote. He wanted Iran to be more like America but he was often harsh to get to this goal. He was on very good terms with America and other western countries(who saw Reza as the vantage point to their goals in Iran), causing him to be considered a “Western Puppet”. He ignored Persian culture and religions and the people of his country.
  • Marji is born

  • Prophetship

    Marji is a prophet now.
  • The big mistake

    The popularity of the Shah is on a sharp decline. Ruhollah Khomeini is now a powerful figure in the arguments against the Shah and after a national article is published calling him a "British agent", his followers are pretty angry. So what do they do? They protest peacefully. And what does the government do? Kill some of them.
  • Protests

    Up to 10,000 people- more people killed
  • More protests

    Up to 100,000 people- more people killed- armies deployed
  • Love Letters

    Marji helps Mari(her maid) send letters to Mari's lover
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    The Iranian Revolution

  • Black Friday

    A famous protest during which over 300 were injured and a least 64 died
  • More mistakes

    When he realized that he was in trouble, the Shah said that he was willing to compromise, Khomeini officially asks his followers to overthrow the Shah
  • Marji's life turns into a disaster

    Her uncle is executed, her mom is attacked, and her friend moves away
  • Marji meets Anoosh and others

    She meets her uncle and two of her parent's friends who had been in prison and is frightened by their prison stories
  • Shah leaves!

    The Pahlavi Dynasty ends and Khomeini is welcomed back to Iran!
  • Shapour Bakhtiar

    A new Prime Minister is arranged to take full control of Iran because it is clear that the Shah’s reign is coming to an end. The same day, the Shah goes into exile. Shapour Bakhtiar- the new Prime Minister releases the political prisoners, thanked the protesters, and welcomed back Khomeini. Khomeini overthrows and starts in Iranian Republic.
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    The Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Iraq invades

    Marji's neighboring building is bombed and Neda dies
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    The Iran-Iraq War