Ipod timeline

  • Itunes

    Itunes is released.
  • First Ipod

    First Ipod
    The very first ipod is released.
  • Touch wheel

    Touch wheel
    The new ipod with a touch senitive wheel.
  • Ipod mini

    Ipod mini
    The mini version of the ipod.
  • ipod with color

    ipod with color
    Release of new ipod with color on the screen.
  • ipod shuffle

    ipod shuffle
    First ipod without a screen.
  • mini-nano

    The mini is now called a nano.
  • ipod touch

    ipod touch
    Ipod touch is released.
  • nano-touch screen

    nano-touch screen
    The nano now has a touch screen.
  • new ipod touch

    new ipod touch
    Release of the 4th generation ipod touch.