First camra


By keyesk
  • Camera obscura

    Camera obscura
    Nicephore Niepce was the inventor of the first working camera. He took a piece of paper coated with silver chloride,which darkened where the light was exposed.
  • Daguerreotypes and calotypes

    Daguerreotypes and calotypes
    Nicéphore Niépce partnered with Louis Daguerre to experiment and in 1837 created the first camera. Daguerre treated a silver-plated sheet of copper with iodine vapor to give it a coating of light-sensitive silver iodide, After exposure in the camera, the image was developed.
  • box camera

    box camera
    George Eastman put a camera into a small box for easy carrage.
    Box camera was still used till 1960.
  • 35mm camera/ Ur-Leica

    35mm camera/ Ur-Leica
    Oskar Barnack created the first 35mm camera so a camera would be more compact
  • Japanese SLR using 135 film/ Asahiflex

    Japanese SLR using 135 film/  Asahiflex
    Asahi Optical Company made major brands Canon, Yashica, and Nikon. they came with interchangeable components and accessories and are know as the first Japanese cameras.
  • Polaroid Model J66

    Polaroid Model J66
    Edwin land made the first instant-picture camera. that would pop your picture immediately so you didn't have to get them made.
  • Analog electronic cameras

    Analog electronic cameras
    sony made the first handheld electronic camera. you u could go through your pictures and delete them