Economy crash of 2008
The amount of banks practicing bad lending practices because they would then gain the home which they thought would be worth more. During the 08s though the amount of foreclosures that happened on homes resulted in the crash of the market and many losing homes or savings. A resultant under the Savings category.
http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/412/housing-recession.html -
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
This act was put into place to jumpstart the economy and to save and create millions of jobs. It was headed by VP Joe Biden.This act was signed into place on February 17th, 2009.
This is a fiscal policy under the Federal Budget deficit category. https://www.whitehouse.gov/recovery/about -
It is president Obama’s take on trying to provide healthcare to all citizens. The goal is to give a majority of Americans access to affordable and quality health insurance while reducing the growth in health care spending. It was signed on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012.
This is a fiscal policy under the Leadership deficit category.
http://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-facts/ -
U.S debt of 2012
In 2012 The U.S. debt to other countries was $16,066,241,407,385.80. The U.S debt has gone up over the terms of the last two presidents. 1.14 trillion of that debt is owed to China alone. This amount has been rising over the years.
A fiscal that is a saving deficiency. https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/jul/15/us-debt-how-big-who-owns -
Trans-Pacific Partnership
It's a large free trade agreement between the U.S, Canada, and 10 other countries, and is supposed to eliminate tariffs, and include the U.S’s biggest commercial partners, and is responsible for 40% of the world’s GDP and 26% of world trade. Now that it has been passed it has given power to large corporations and pushed down wages. It's a fiscal policy under trade deficit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/12/11/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-trans-pacific-partnership/ -
U.S deficit now lowest since 2007
The 2015 deficit came into about 2.5% of the economy. This is the smallest it has been in eight years, with spending increasing more than 2014, and the rise in tax revenues.
October 15th, 2015
It is a result under the savings deficit.