Investment Improves Productivity

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    The Wheel

    Quite possibly one of the biggest inventions of all time, the invention of the wheel increased productivity in humans unmeasurably by increasing speed of transportation. Still used practically everywhere today, the originating culture of the wheel remains unknown. However, we do believe it could have originated from the Mesopotamian region or Central Europe. First evidence of wheels was found in the middle of the 4th-Century B.C.
  • The Camera

    Cameras, common in basically every household, can be used both personally and commercially for the documentation of pictures. Photographs and pictures encompass us every day and each present a unique message. The predecessor to the camera was the camera obscura, invented in the fifth century B.C. By focus light onto a surface, an artist could vaguely retrace an image. In the 1660s, Robert Boyle and Johannes Kepler created a portable camera obscura.
  • The Automobile

    The automobile serves as a transportation device, and has increased productivity in our personal lives as well as in the realm of business. Not only is it used to get from A to B, it's used to carry freight over long distances. The first automobile was invented by Fernidand Verbiest around 1672. Ever since, improvements in production such as the assembly line by Henry Ford have increased revolutionized the automobile industry.
  • The Typewriter

    The Typewriter
    Although it is unclear who first invented the modern concept for a typewriter, Henry Mill is considered the inventor of it. This was due to him being the first to create and patent such a machine in 1714. The typwriter almost completely replaced writing by hand by the 1860s and lasted until the 1980s, when computer machinery took over.
  • The Internet

    The invention of the internet has altered human history completely. The virtual world-wide web connects individuals, organizations, entrepeneurs and officials directly, regardless of location. It has improved access to and exchange of data. The first two nodes for the internet were launched in 1969. Ever since, technology has increased the speed at which files can run.