Antonio Meucci built a telephone to communitate his office with his wife´s bedroom, since she had reumatism. However, he didn´t have enough money to patent his invention, so he presented it to a a company: Western Union. Some people believe that sold the materials of the telephone to Slexander Graham Bell, who used them and published the telephone as his invent. -
Before Elisha Otis (from United States) invented a new type of elevator, this machines were not secure enough. His dispositive avoid fall in case the fixing cable breaks. -
Pierre Michaux and his son Ernest were the inventors of the bycicle with pedals. Michaux was a French blacksmith and businessman. However, many people think that the real inventor of a bicycle which does not need to be propeled with the feets on the land is Kirkpatrick Macmillan, from Scotland. Other inventor who contribute to the creation of the bicycle is Pierre Lallement. -
Thanks to Louis Pasteur, the scientific community discover the existence of microorganisms during the aliments descomposition. Pasteur discovered that, if he warmed any liquid, the germs were eliminated. This method is still used nowadays and it is called pasteurization. -
The typewrite was created by Christopher Sholes, althougt there were more people who contribute a its creation. It had keys for each letter. This was an essential object in all the offices, as well as in literature, theatre, journalism... -
Joseph Wilson Swan receive the english patient for his invent a year before Thomas Alva Edison did it. Edison was the the first person to create and incandescent lamp with coal, and he patented it in 1880. -
Nikola Tesla designed and built the first alternating current motor, which could transform a determinated type of energy rotation mechanic energy, which allowed feed a motor with alternating current. -
This was invented by Willian Hesketh Lever, and English industrialist and politician. -
The first plane which could fly was invented by the French engineer Clément Ader. He was able to fly on his Éole (island where lord of the winds fly, who appears in the Odisea) . This was the beginning of all the planes en Europe. This happened 13 before the brothers Wright´s invent. -
Acetilsalicilic acid was published by Felix Hoffman. Since ancient times, people had used willow bark as analgesic, but this was forgotten during the Middle Ages and the 17th century. Charles Frédéric Gerhart and Herman Holbe had extracted the acetilsalicilic acid, but his acid had too secondary effects. In 1899 it was named aspirin after Felix Hoffmann had eliminated all the secondary effects, creating a more pure formula.