Inventors/Innovators Timeline

  • John Kay Flying Shuttle

    John Kay Flying Shuttle
    The Flying Shuttle was created by John Kay.This was the beginning of automatic weaving.A advantage was that it sped up the weaving process a disadvantage was that you can only spin one thread at a time. The flying shuttle later evolved into things like the sewing machine.
  • James Hargreaves The Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves The Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny was created by James Hargreaves in 1764.After the the flying shuttle was created people wanted a better way to spend thread. The spinning jenny was way faster than the flying shuttle but could only spin one thread at a time this invention is also like the sewing machine.
  • Richard Arkwright Spinning Frame

    Richard Arkwright Spinning Frame
    Invented by Richard Arkwright this invention spun thread from thread or yarn from fibers in cotton or wool.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule as a better and more improved spinning jenny
  • Richard Trevithick The Steam Locomotive

    Richard Trevithick  The Steam Locomotive
    Richard Treavithick invented the FIRST steam engine George Stephenson improved his idea and made it more efficient for human use.
  • George Stephenson The Steam Locomotive

    George Stephenson The Steam Locomotive
    The steam locomotive was created by George Stephenson in 1804.It used coal or wood to produce steam for a train to function. A advantage of this was that you can get places faster a disadvantage was this steam locomotive still had a long way to go before it became useful.The steam engine is now like trains
  • Robert Fulton The Steamboat

    Robert Fulton The Steamboat
    Robert Fulton created the first successful steam boat in 1807 the steam boat was a new faster was of traveling from area to area.One advantage was that people could now travel upstream and down stream and one disadvantage was that the steam engine could gain to much pressure and explode.
  • Henry Bessemer Manufacturing Steel Process

    Henry Bessemer Manufacturing Steel Process
    The Bessemer process was used to make iron into advantage was that it was highly effective. one disadvantage was that it required phosphorus free iron.
  • Louis Pasteur pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur pasteurization
    pasteurization where bacteria is destroyed by heating a liquid. a advantage was that it destroyed bacteria in the milk that made people sick. one disadvantage was it also destroyed good bacteria and nutrients.
  • Thomas Edison Light bulb

    Thomas Edison Light bulb
    Thomas Edison created the light bub in 1879 we still use this in everyday life toady and it still has a big effect on our world one advantage was that it replace oil lamps.