Inventors Challenge

  • Anton von Leeuenhoek invents the microscope.

    Anton von Leeuenhoek invents the microscope.
  • Thomas L. Jennings invents a process for dry-cleaning delicate clothing

    Thomas L. Jennings invents a process for dry-cleaning delicate clothing
  • Thomas L. Jennings invents a process for dry-cleaning delicate clothing

    Thomas L. Jennings invents a process for dry-cleaning delicate clothing
  • Elisha Graves Otis invents the elevator break.

    Elisha Graves Otis invents the elevator break.
  • Levis Strauss invented blue jeans.

    Levis Strauss invented blue jeans.
  • Elijah McCoy invents the ironing board.

    Elijah McCoy invents the ironing board.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.

     Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
  • Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
  • John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola.

    John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola.
  • Alexander Miles invents automatic elevator doors.

  • George Eastman invented the first handheld camera and rolled film.

    George Eastman invented the first handheld camera and rolled film.
  • Edwin Binney and Harold Smith invent Crayola Crayons.

    Edwin Binney and Harold Smith invent Crayola Crayons.
  • Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
  • Dr. Patricia Bath invents a Laserphaco Probe.

    Dr. Patricia Bath invents a Laserphaco Probe.
  • Whitcomb L. Judson invents the zipper.

     Whitcomb L. Judson invents the zipper.