Mabel Hubbard Bell
First editor of a magazine published by the National Geograghical Society, founded be her father on January 27 1888. She helped women get appointed in teaching positions in Boston in the 1870s.She also played a leading role in effort to win womens suffrage. -
Alexander Graham Bell
His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone in 1876. This lead and gained popularity in 1890s. Bell considered his most famous invention an intrusion on his real work as a scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study. -
Adleaide Hoodless
Adleaide had a wonderful life until her infant died from drinking non-pasteurized milk.After the tragic incident she realized that women needed better education .She worked with Lady Aberdeen to found the NCWC( National Council of Women of Canada) and the VON( Victorian Order of Nurses). In 1897, she opened its first chapter at stoney Creek,Ontario. These grew into an international organizations. -
Gugielmo Marconi
Born in Italy and was interested in radio waves.Around 1900, he baegan to investigate long distance radio waves he believed that it was possible to send signals across the atlantic.In 1901, he launched a kite containing a radio entanna into the air at Sighnal Hill in St.Jhon, Newfoundland.He successfully revieved radio waves 3500km away. -
Adam Beck
Adam was a bussiness person in London, Ontario and was elected mayor. He saw that electricity could make peoples lives easier.In1905, he persuaded the Ontario Government to develope a Hydroelectric plant in Niagra Falls. It began to opperate in 1910 supplying cheap power to homes and bussiness in the area. -
Robert Samuel McLaughlin
In 1908, he expanded his business to iclude automobiles production. In1918, general motors of detroit bought the business but kept Robert as president. Around 1920's the plant employed more than 3000 people, this made it easier to ship materials. -
John Alexander Douglas McCurdy
Jhon A.D. McCurdy ,aviation pioneer ,worked with Alexander Graham Bell and his wife to develope a flying machine.He made more than 200 short flights in experimental aircraft in the US before flying the SILVER DART at Baddeck 23 February 1909 - the first controlled flight by a British subject in the British Empire. -
Emily Murphy
In 1911,Emilly,an activist,persuaded the Alberta government to pass on an act guaranteeing widows one-third of thier husband wealth.In 1916, she was the first woman in British Empire to be appointed as a magistrate .In 1929, the law was changed to allow women to be member of the senate. -
Nellie McClung
Nellie became a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and supported efforts to prohibit sale of alchohol, obtain better law and allow women to vote. From 1921-1926 she was a liberal member of the Alberta Legislature for a district in Edmonton.She became a speaker and writer across Western Canada. -
Martha Black
Martha Black procpected for gold during the Kondike gold rush of the 1890's, she later ran a swanmill. Martha gave lectures on Yukon in Britian and was made a member of the Royal geographical Society in 1917. In 1935, she was elected to parliament as member for Yukon .
(second woman to be elected for the house of commons)