Inventors and Inventions from 1800-1940

By elg0473
  • Battery

    The battery was invented by Alessandro Volta, he was a physicist and chemist. The batteries were made of Copper and Zinc, they were parted by soaking clothes in saltwater. Through stable currents, electricity was controlled by wires that were connected by discs. Other battery types have come after Volta's invention, although he is said to be the pioneer of generated power.
  • The stop-cylinder printing machine

    The stop-cylinder printing machine
    The stop-cylinder printing press was invented by Friedrich Koenig and Andreas Bauer. Koenig envisaged a press that rose and lowered the platen, the to and from the movement of the bed, and the inking of the form by a series of rollers were controlled by gears.
  • The electric light

    The electric light
    Humphry Davy connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the ends of the wires. This invention is called the electric light. Davy was a famous British inventor, chemist, and philosopher.
  • The Camera

    The Camera
    French inventor Joseph Nicephore Niepce took the first photo on a handmade camera using silver chloride covered paper.
    The first photograph was taken in 1826
  • The Stethoscope

    The Stethoscope
    The Stethoscope was invented by Rene Laennec, Laennec was having difficulty listening to a man's heart. Laennec tried rolling a sheet of paper into a tube and then placing an end on the patient and the other end on his ear. This invention worked for the time being, over the years there have been numerous improvements to the stethoscope. Today, the stethoscope is a vital instrument for doctors.
  • The Mechanical calculator

    The Mechanical calculator
    Charles Babbage's invention could sum up, differentiate or multiply numbers, and could print mathematical tables. Babbage is regarded as one of the fathers of the computer
  • The photograph

    The photograph
    The first photograph was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce. It took hours for the photograph to developed, which was using light to expose it.
    In 1837 Daguerre created a one-time use image in a few minutes.
    Talbot presented negative film and prints- which is still used today
  • The typewriter

    The typewriter
    The typewriter was invented by W.A Burt, during a time where people had no way of communicating letters or documenting other than by hand. The typewriter became useful in offices
  • The sewing machine

    The sewing machine
    The sewing machine was invented by Bartelemy Thimonnier, this was the first mechanical tool. Usually, tailors use their own hands to do the stitching, Barts workshop was burned down after people found out he was using a machine to do a tailor's job. Bart's sewing machine is still the first type ever considered.
  • The Mechanical Reaper

    The Mechanical Reaper
    The Mechanical Reaper was invented by Cyrus McCormick. Farming was excruciating to the body and took so many hours to complete and even so farming was never really complete.
    The reaper was used by farmers to help with harvest as well as increasing the production of food while using less labor.
  • The telegraph

    The telegraph
    Samuel Morse invented the telegraph, there was a need for long-distance messages. This machine is used to transmit signals over to stations through a wired connection. The telegraph has paved the way for more communication inventions
  • The revolver

    The revolver
    The revolver was invented by Samuel Colt, who was also a manufacturer and entrepreneur. When Colt was a teenager he carved a wooded model of a revolving cylinder mechanism.
  • The bicycle

    The bicycle
    The bicycle is an invention by Kirkpatrick Macmillan, he had the idea of being able to travel after getting the idea from a hobbyhorse. Later the bike was patented as a means of transportation
  • Steel- the Bessemer Process

    Steel- the Bessemer Process was a technique for creating steel using molten pig iron. Steel then was one of the biggest industries on the planet. Steel is used for bridges, railroads, skyscrapers, and a ton more.
  • The airship

    The airship
    The airship was invented by Henri Giffard who was an engineer. The airship was gas-powered while also using a propeller
  • The Glider

    The Glider
    George Cayley is the first known engineer, he had great skills in aeronautical engineering. Cayley's first model was built like a bird. After his death, other engineers used his model to improve gliders.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell was the great inventor of the telephone. Bell is the first scientist to receive the patent for inventing the telephone. The telephone changed the world's way of communicating.
  • The automobile

    The automobile
    Karl Benz designed a life-changing motor, it was powered by a combustion engine. Spark plugs, carburetor, gears, clutch, ignition, and the water radiator were all parts of this automobile. Unlike the 4 wheels cars have now, Benz only used 3 wheels. Benz eventually made a 4 wheeled car. Karl Benz is the first licensed driver in the world
  • The diesel engine

    The diesel engine
    The diesel engine was invented to assist small business owners because they are more efficient than gas engines. Diesel is more powerful when towing something and have a longer life span. Rudolf Diesel is the inventor.
  • The steam locomotive

    The steam locomotive
    The steam locomotives' first launch was in South Wales and was built by Richard Trevithick and Andrew Vivian. Steam engines use a boiler that boils water which produces steam. Running on steam has no change to the environment elements and is fueled by wood or coal.
  • Penicillin

    Penicillin was made accidentally by scientist Alexander Fleming. Penicillin is a bacteria-inhibiting mold that used to kill human cells along with the bacteria causing the sickness. This antibiotic saved thousands of lives in World War 2.
  • The vapor-compression refrigeration

    The vapor-compression refrigeration
    Jacob Perkins is known as The father of the refrigerator, he is an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and physicist. This invention was titled: apparatus and means for producing ice and in cooling fluids.
  • Sources for the timeline

  • Sources, part 2