• Telescopes!

    The 17th century had many significant impacts on the evolution in philosophy and science. Scientists and their work first began to become recognized for their work. Most of the inventions that took place were very similar to each other, or improvements benefiting the original invention. It was a period of time when the science of chemistry, astronomy and math developed majorly.
  • Telescopes!

    In 1608, the refracting telescope is invented by Hans Lippershey and a year later, the famous Galileo Galilei became the first person to observe the skies with the telescope. Later in 1663, a man named James Gregory made a telescope more efficient by adding a mirror to the first telescope and called it the Gregorian telescope but later called it the reflecting telescope because Isaac Newton improved it with his thoughts and scientific knowledge.
  • Telescopes!

    The inventions and the improvements on the telescope changed society because it greatly improved our knowledge on science and what’s outside Earth.

    The flush toilet was invented in 1775 by Alexander Cummings and was an upgrade from using chamber pots. The toilet changed society because it allowed people to poop comfortably. It also decreased the amount of infectious diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhus and typhoid fever- caused by low sanitation from the chamber pots.
  • I see the LIGHTBULBS

    In 1809, an English man named Humphrey Davy experimented with electricity and invented the first electric light bulb and a form of battery. He connected two wires to a battery and attached charcoal strips between the ends of the wires. The charged carbon particles began to glow and produced a small light. Davy called this an arc lamp.
  • I can see the LIGHTBULBS

    The first experiments with the light bulb changed society because it opened a whole new perspective for scientists to improve the invention and make artificial light available to everyone.

    During the 1860s, James Clerk Maxwell predicted the existence of radio waves and in 1902, they became reality. An Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi invented radio communication by sending the first radio signal early February in Italy. By the end of the year, Marconi sent a wireless signal across the English Channel and got a response from the other line. This became the first successful transatlantic radiotelegraph message.

    The invention of two way radio messaging changed society because it was able to broadcast important news to a large amount of people and also let them comment back on it using the same wave.
  • Ipods/ MP3

    The iPod was invented in late 2000s by Steve Jobs when he only worked on the created for a year. This changed society significantly because people have now become engulfed by music. Most of teenagers have an iPod and use it regularly and are often used to train nurses and other college (university) students. The amount of time people spend using apps on their iPod and listening to music is a big change in society compared to the tiny MP3 players of 1997.