Period: to
Seed drill
Seed Drill So they can plant corn and other crops faster with less people in a straight line. Invented by Jethro Tull -
Steam Engine
Steam EnginePower the first trains, steamboats, and factories. Invented by Thomas Newcomen -
Typewriter To write or create documents without hand writing them. Invented by John Pratt’s Pterotype -
Flying Shuttle
Flying shuttle The shuttle was thrown, or passed, through the threads by hand, and wide fabrics required two weavers seated side by side passing the shuttle between them. invented by John Kay. -
Spinning Frame
Spinning Frame Textile machine designed to be powered by water. Arkwright set up the first water-powered cotton mill. Invented by Richard Arkwright’s -
Power Loom
Power Loom Used water as power instead of human power for the weaving process. Invented by Edmund Cartwright -
Cotton Gin
Cotton Gin It pulls the seeds out of the cotton faster than a person could. Invented by Eli Whiney’s -
Dynamite Clearing paths to build things such as roads and railroad tracks.
Invented by Alfred Nobel -
Telephone To contact people much faster than writing a letter or a note. Invented by Alexander Graham Bell