First oil well is drilled in Pennsylvania
Near Titusville, Pennsylvania, Edwin L. Drake struck oil, being the first petroleum well to exist. -
Transcontinental railroad is completed
The railroad to connect the East and West coast is completed, allowing fast travel from coast to coast. -
Rockefeller founds standard oil
John D. Rockefeller founds the Standard Oil company of Ohio with his brother (William Rockefeller), Henry Flagler, and a group of other men -
Carnegie Steel Company is formed
Carnegie Steel Company was formed in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. -
Bell Patents Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone and tests it 3 days later. -
First Telephone on White House
President Rutherford B. Hayes has the first telephone installed in the White House. -
Edison perfects the incandescent lightbulb
Edison successfully has a lightbulb burn for 13.5 hours with a carbonized cotton filament. -
Railroads set up standard time zones
To eliminate confusion when travelling by train to different local timezones, it was put into 4 main time zones. -
First Electric Trolley in Richmond, VA
Electric trolleys traveled on Frank J. Sprague's Richmond Union Passenger Railway. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act is passed
The first act to cut down on monopolistic businesses was passed -
J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel
A number of people, including Carnegie and Morgan helped found U.S. Steel