Jezza clarkson

Inventions That Changed the World - Computers

  • 1914

    During World War One, the Mark 1 computer was invented for ballistic calculations.
  • 1930

    The Z computer was invented in the 1930s which was the first computer to utilise the yes/no principle.
  • 1947

    In 1947, the transistor was invented so it could open and close a circuit.
  • 1951

    In 1951, the UNIVAC was invented
  • 1953

    IBM was formed and made their first computer in 1953, the 701.
  • 1956

    IBM made an improvement to the 701 and made the 704 in 1956.
  • 1960

    The world’s fastest computer, the IBM 7090, was released in 1960. Which is the beginning of the modern computers. FORTRAN was the first “easy” programming language, inspired by the IBM 701 and 704.
  • 1980

    In the 1980s IBM released the IBM PC for $4,000.
  • 1980

    Xerox made the Xerox Star 8010 in the 1980s which featured a Graphical User Interface.
  • 1983

    Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Computers, Inc., visited Xerox and saw their GUI system and released Lisa in 1983 which failed due to how expensive it was. Apple then released a much cheaper computer, the Macintosh.
  • 1985

    Bill Gates founded Microsoft and visited Apple.
    Microsoft then released Windows 1.0 in 1985.
  • 1987

    Microsoft then released Windows 2.0 in 1987 after countless lawsuits from Apple.
  • 1995

    Windows 95 was released by Microsoft.
  • 1998

    Apple released the iMac.
  • 2001

    Apple released its most powerful system, the Mac OSX in 2001.
  • 2001

    Windows XP was released in 2001 and was able to match the performance of the Mac OSX.
  • 2007

    Windows Vista was released in 2007 and was not as stable as the Mac OSX.