Lightbulb (edison's)

Inventions that Changed Our World

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    This is a timeline of important inventions that have changed our world. Enjoy!
  • Jan 1, 1350


    The Egyptians used a water clock, but it was not accurate at all.
  • Calculator

    Blaise Pascal invented the calculater.
  • Pencil

    Nicholas Jacques Conte invented the pencil.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Alfred Vail and Samuel Morse both invented it (together). IT is dots and dashes and these can be sound, blinking lights, or anything else.
  • Dynamite

    This was invented by Alfred Nobel. He invented it in 1866.
  • The Traffic Light

    The Traffic Light
    The first traffic light was installed in Britain, but it exploded and either hurt or killed a police officer that was working it.
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  • Automobile

    Karl Benz made the first car that was powered by an engine that had internal combustions. He wasnt the first one to make a self powered automobile that ran by itself. That was a french guy named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, but it was powered by steam.
  • Basketball

    This was invented by James Naismith. It was originally played with peach baskets instead of nets.
  • Frisbee

    The frisbee was invented byWalter Frederick.
  • Paper Clip

    Paper Clip
    This was invented by William D. Middlebrook. Two guys named Cushman and Dension bought the patent and trademarked the name GEM for it.
  • Toaster

    The first toaster was made by a man named Charles P. Strite. he made becasue he didn't like the burnt toast in the cafeteria in the place he worked.
  • The Trampoline

    The Trampoline
    George Nisson and Larry Griswald invented the trampoline.
  • Computer

    The first computer that was completed was called the ABC which was "the first electronic digital computer." (see link for source of this quote.)
  • Slinky

    Richard James invented the Slinky. His wife Betty came up with the name.
  • Microwave

    This was invented by Percy Spenceer.
  • Rubik's Cube

    Rubik's Cube
    Erno Rubik invented this and they are really hard to complete =). You have to get all of one color on the same side by twisting the face of the cube.
  • Jelly Bean

    Jelly Bean
    David Klein invented the jelly bean. The picture isnt of the first jelly beans, I just couldnt find a picture of the first one.
  • Google

    Larry Page and Sergery Brin invented google. It is named after a googol- the numer that is 1 with a hundred zeroes after it. September 21, 1999 is the day Google officially was no longer a prototype.
  • Facebook

    Thsi was invented by Mark Zuckerberg. It was at first intended for only Harvard students.