The Telephone
It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell
He was awarded the first patent for the telephone. This photo shows Bell in 1892 placing a call from New York to Chicago. (Library of Congress). -
The Radio
It was invented by Guglielmi Marconi
He was awarded a British patent for the radio in 1897 and founded The Marconi Company Ltd. in 1897. -
Television transmissions
It was invented by John Logie Baird
He was one of the pioneers of television. In 1929, Baird conducted the first BBC broadcasts, and was shortly producing daily half-hour programmes. -
Nintendo Entertainment System Console (NES)
The NES console was released in 1983 and was 'the best selling gaming console of its time with videogames. -
The World Wide Web (www)
It was invented by Tim Berners Lee
Computer users to access them through the internet and view them on a web browser. -
Sony PlayStation
The PlayStation was the first video game console to sell 100 million units. -
BlackBerry phones were the first true Smartphones. To browse the web, use email and other applications. -
Tablet computers was popularized. -
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