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Inventions of the Renaissance

By kalei
  • Jan 1, 1230


    It was made around 1230 to make fireworks and weapons. Probably used for the first time in Europe during the Battle of Crécy in 1346.
  • Jan 1, 1287

    Eyeglasses or Spectacles

    Eyeglasses or Spectacles
    From around 1287 they appeared in painting and from that they now they are from italy. They make they so people can see.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    I don't know who made the first clock but it was made around the 1300's. They made it to tell time so the important stuff they aren't late to or to early.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    China invented the compass. They use it to navigate around when they are lost.
  • Jan 1, 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Made in 1436 by a German named Johannes Gutenberg. They invented it so they could get in touch with other people.
  • Jan 1, 1496


    It goes on a wall to cover it and make it look better. It don't make as much as a mess that paint does, invented in 1496, England invented it.
  • Lenses (Microscope and Telescope)

    Lenses (Microscope and Telescope)
    The first microscope was made in Netherlands 1590 and 1608. They use it to look at things that are to small thing that you could not see.
  • Flush Toilets

    Flush Toilets
    Sir John Harrington made the first one but he stoped using it because they got made fun of. Altho Queen Elizabeth keep using the one he made.
  • Submarine

    The first underwater warship was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci. In the 1620 Cornelis Drebbel built a leather rowboat with oars. They invented it so that they could not be seen in war at sea.
  • Helicopter

    1784, French inventor, Launoy and Bienvenue created a toy with a rotary-wing that could fly. Leonardo Da Vinci drew a picture of them.