
Inventions of the Renaissance

By 8697081
  • Feb 27, 1287

    Eyeglasses and spectacles

    Eyeglasses and Spectacles were invented in the late 13 century around 1287. He invented them to help People See better.
  • Feb 27, 1300


    Clocks Were invented in the early 1300’s by An italian scientist named Galileo. He invented to clock to help tell time.
  • Feb 27, 1436

    printing press

    was invented in 1436 by a german man named Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Feb 27, 1496


    It was made in 1496 in england by an English Artist.
  • Feb 27, 1500


    It was invented in spain during the 1500’s. The musket was the first usable rifle that soldiers could carry during the war.
  • Feb 27, 1578


    Was invented around 1578 by a guy named William Borne
  • Thermometer

    It was invented by Galileo during 1593. They were used to measure people’s temperature.
  • Flushing Toilet

    The Flushing Toilet was invented around 1596 by Sir John Harrington, Godson to Queen Elizabeth.He invented it to keep the smell away.
  • lenses

    Lenses where made between 1590 and 1608 by Hans Lippershay.
  • gunpowder

    Gunpowder was invented 850 A.D. it was invented to Change the way the men fought