Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

  • (Watt) Steam engine

    (Watt) Steam engine
    The first truly efficient steam engine invented by James Watt
  • The spinning jenny

    The spinning jenny
    Multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool or cotton invented by James Hargreaves
  • Power loom

    Power loom
    A mechanized loom for efficiency invented by Edmund Cartwright
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    Machine for cleaning the cotton invented by Eli Whitney
  • Locomotive

    Self-propelled train used for hauling railroad cars on tracks invented by Richard Trevithick
  • steamboat

    A boat driven by a steam engine invented by Robert Fulton
  • camera

    A device that was able to capture an image invented by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
  • Sewing machine

    Sewing machine
    A machine used to sew fabric together using thread invented by John Adams Doge
  • telegraph

    A device that allowed the transmission of information over distance invented by Samuel Morse
  • Dynamite

    a stick of explosives mainly used for mining invented by Alfred Noble
  • telephone

    An instrument designed to transmit human voice invented by Alexander Graham Bell
  • Automobile

    A vehicle designed for the transportation of passengers invented by Karl Benz