Inventions of the 1940's

By Candie
  • 1941 Color TV Introduced

    1941 Color TV Introduced
    John Logie Baird introduced the first successful colored tv. His design was too expensive and had it's flaws but it paved the way for the digital design that was later released. John Baird died in 1946. If he hadn't have passed, he would most likely have finished and improved his design. Due to his ideas and forward thinking, others were able to follow and give us the color television sets that we have today.
  • 1946 ENIAC

    1946 ENIAC
    J. Presper Eckert and John Maunchly invented the first fully functional digital computer. We owe our computer technology of today from this invention.
  • 1946 Mobile Car Phone

    1946 Mobile Car Phone
    AT&T Bell Laboratories demonstrated the first mobile car phone in 1946. The design was meant for emergency vehicles like police cars. By 1948, they had over 5,000 customers. This design grew and paved the way to cell phone technology.
  • 1947 Microwave Oven

    1947 Microwave Oven
    The Microwave was invented in 1947 by Percy LeBaron Spencer. The first design was large and weighed 750 lbs. The design quickly improved from there. Almost every home today in the United States has a microwave. The microwave has made it possible to cook food faster which fits our busy lives.
  • 1948 Polaroid Camera

    1948 Polaroid Camera
    The Polaroid camera was invented by Edwin H. Land. His invention made it possible for someone to take a picture and not have to go to a dark room to get it developed. Polaroid cameras are still used today.