Inventions of 1800s

  • Reper

    A horse drawn mechanical machine used for harvesting grain or other small crops. Designed to cut down wheat much more quickly and more efficiently
  • Telegrah

    Telegraphy is the process of using a form of communication known to both sender and receiver to transmit data. Early examples of the telegraph include smoke signals and creative uses of reflected light. Electrical telegraphs are also referred to as telegrams and during the middle and late parts of the 19th century, telegrams were a highly popular form of communication.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The first American sewing machine is the greatest invention ever. The sewing machine fixes clothes and makes blankets. It also made life easier instead of by hand , and not spending that much time on something.
  • Typewritter

    A mechanical or electromechanical machine for writing in characters similar to those produced by printer's type by means of keyboard-operated types striking a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto the paper.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives, was not “invented” in the traditional sense in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison, although he could be said to have created the first commercially practical incandescent light.