
  • 403 BCE


    Henry Bessemer is famous for making steel , people need steel because people melt it and then make something else
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt improved the steam engine because people needed to use it and it wasn't well prepared for people to use it so he improved it.
  • Flying shuttle

    Flying shuttle
    John Kay invented this because people making this one by one took to long.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny because people needed cotton
  • The spinning frame

    The spinning frame
    Richard Arkwright invented the spinning frame because people needed thread yarn and fibers.
  • Spinning Mule

    Spinning Mule
    Samuel Compton invented the spinning mule because people needed somewhere to somewhat sew their yarn and fibers.
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton created the steamboat for people to get on and travel and get were they need to go
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    Richard Trevithick invented the steam locomotive for people to get on and travel
  • Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur came up with pasteurization because he needed to kill all the bad bacteria. to grow good dairy products.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    Thomas Edison is famous for creating a light bulb people need light to see.
  • Alternating electricity

    Alternating electricity
    Nikola Teisa discovered alternating electricity because electricity it wasn't at its best at first so someone had to improve it.
  • Railroad Locomotive

    Railroad Locomotive
    George Stephenson was the inventor of the railroad locomotive people needed this railroad to get places on the locomotive