inventions in the industrial evolution

  • steam engine

    steam engine
    it was the driving forces of the industrial revolution it made it so then your didnt need rain for the you to work in industrial businesses
    Invented by James Watt
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    spins yarn faster then a human can so then it can make it easter and fater to get yarn to make cloths
    inbented by James Hargreabes
  • power loom

    power loom
    A loom powerd by water, steam, or electricity rater by hand
    Invented by Paul Moody
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    a machine for separating cotton from its seeds
    Invented by Eli Whitney
  • locomotive

    a powerd rail vehicle used for pulling goods acrost the land.
    Invented by Richard Trevitchick
  • steamboat

    it takes the steam engine and uses it to prople it forward.
    Invented by Robert Fulton
  • photograph

    it takes film and takes a picture of the surrounding and it is saved as a photo to rember.
    Invented by Nicephore Niepce
  • telegraph

    revolutionized long-distance communications.
    Invented by Samuel Morse
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    it vreates simple chain stitch that would sew clothes
    Invented by Elias Howe
  • dynamite

    it is a explosive content made with gun power.
    Ivented by Alfred Nobel
  • telephone

    it lets you talk to people without them being right next to you
    Invented by Alexander Graham Bell
  • automobile

    a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powerd by a combustion engine.
    Invented by Carl Benz