Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

By Reil
  • Coke fueled furnace

    Invented by Abraham Darby, it's a device to produce cast iron
  • Steam engine

    Invented by Thomas Newcomen, it's an engine that was used primarily to pump water out of mines.
  • Spinning jenny

    Invented by J.Hargreaves, it's a machine that enabled an individual to produce multiple spools of treads simultaneously.
  • Spinning mule

    Invented by Samuel Compton, it's an improved version of the spinning Jenny
  • Power loom

    Invented by Edmund Cartwright, it's a machine that mechanised the process of weaving cloth.
  • Improved steam engine

    Invented by James Watt, it's the same but improved and used in power machines like locomotives.
  • Bessemer process

    Invented by Henry Bessemer, it's a technique for mass producing steel.