Jan 1, 1564
The Pencil
Invented when an enormous graphite mine (a.k.a. black carbon) was discovered and was thought to be lead. The people did a lot of hand-carving and evenually made The Lead Pencil. Then later on, people found out that they had screwed up, and made the pencils with real lead, but since it was heavy, they made each one with a light piece of lead inside. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/page/p/pencil.shtml -
The Thermometer
Inventors and Inventions: T-The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei. Water was poured into a glass bulb, and it go up and down based on the temperature. And later, the Sealed Thermometer as made so the water doesn't shoot out the top if the temperature got too high. And after that, the Unit of Celsius (Centegrade) was invented to measure it. So now, we've got Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin for temperature types. And who KNOWS how many more there are. -
The Telescope
This handy device was invented by an awesome guy who went by the name Hans Lippershey. He made it for Military purposes, but that's not all it was used for. A man named Galileo Galilei used the military intended gadget to look up at the stars, and doing so he discovered the rings of Saturn. If that's not a real achievement, I don't know what is. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/page/t/telescope.shtml -
The Piano
This instrument has been around for an extremly long time. It was made by Bartolomeo Cristofori, and he lived in Padua, Italy. If he hadn't made the piano, then a lot of the Great Composers wouldn't have had an instrument to play, along with SO many other good song writers and musicians wouldn't have an instrument to play. -
Interchangable parts
People really liked to use the idea of changable parts. But in some places, people didn't really care for the idea, so they were banned there. And a lot of stuff changed because of the Interchangable Parts. -
The Refrigerator
The Refrigerator was invented by William Cullen, and without it we would be eating rotten food all the time. It keeps our cold foods nice and chilly, so we can just sit back and enjoy a cold soda on a hot summer day. -
This stands for "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer." This is kind of like the very first Macintosh. Completly electronic, ths computer was the size of a room! That's a whole lot of gaming! The date above shows when it was completed.