Inventions between 1870-1900

  • Metal Windmill

    In December of 1872 J.S. Risdon invented the metal windmill that converts the energy of the wind into rotational energy
  • Telephone

    In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell created the first practical telephone. His first words were to his assistant and he said "Mr. Watson, come here"
  • Light Bulb

    A light bulb is an electric light with a wire filament heated until it glows. This was invented by Thomas Edison in 1878 as a more practical lamp and a better source of light than a candle
  • Tinfoil Phonograph

    In 1878 Thomas Edison invented the Tinfoil Phonograph, it was a machine that could record sound and play it back.
  • Metal Detector

    When President James Garfield died of an assassin's bullet, Alexander Graham Bell began inventing a crude metal detector in an unsuccessful attempt to locate the fatal slug.
  • Radio

    In 1895 Guglielmo Marconi was studying electromagnetic waves and developed the first apparatus long distance radio communication
  • Asprin

    In January of 1897 Felix Hoffman invented Asprin. It helps cure minor pains, headaches,and fevers.