
  • The bike (Draisine)

    The bike (Draisine)
    The first verifiable claim for the bicycle belongs to German Baron Karl von Drais, a civil servant to the Grand Duke of Baden in Germany. Drais invented his bike in 1817, that was called Draisine.
  • The first Elevator

    The first Elevator
    The first elevator shaft was put in a building. This was done in 1853 at the Cooper Union Foundation building in New York.
  • The first motion picture camera

    The first motion picture camera
    Edison and Dickson invented the first motion picture camera.
  • The X-Ray

    The X-Ray
    The scientific and medical community will forever be changed by an accidental discovery made by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895. this devise is used to look inside the human body with operations.
  • The Radio (Slaby-Arco wireless system)

    The Radio  (Slaby-Arco wireless system)
    Marconi conducted the first successful transatlantic experimental radio communications however Guglielmo Marconi Marconi invented the very first practical radio signaling system.
  • The Telovision

    The Telovision
    The First Electronic Television was Invented in 1927. telivision was created by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth.
  • The first computer (ENIAC)

    The first computer (ENIAC)
    Invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. the first computer occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, that weiged almost 50 tons.
  • The first Vidio game unit (Magnavox Odyssey)

    The first Vidio game unit (Magnavox Odyssey)
    The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game console. Developed by a small team led by Ralph H. Baer.
  • mobile cell phone (Motorola)

    mobile cell phone (Motorola)
    The mobile cell phone (invented by Martin Cooper) with the first prototype device, you altogether got 30 minutes of talk time and it took around 10 hours to charge.
  • World wide web

    World wide web
    Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. The world wide web is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, and interlinked by hypertext links.